How Do You Make Lasers Look Great?
Sep 06, 2022Once you have lasers to add to your lighting rig, you’re going to want them to look great and as vibrant as possible.
Unlike the older days of setting lasers as full as possible, there are other techniques to help your lasers make a real impact on your stage. While these suggestions may seem small, they can make a huge impact on your lighting.
For these upcoming suggestions, you may not need to use all of them for every lighting show. It really depends what you’re looking to accomplish and the lasers role in the show. Nevertheless, these should help you get the most of your lighting setup.
Darkening the Space
The first suggestion to making your lasers look great is getting the venue or your space as dark as possible. Just as you would with lights, to get the lasers to really stand out and shine, you want to make the space very dark.
Contrast does matter and that getting the space behind as well as around the laser or stage as dark as possible will help the lasers appear lighter.
Fog and Haze
The next suggestion for helping your lasers look great is working with fog and haze. If you’re working in a very clear atmosphere there’s a good chance you won’t be able to see the laser beams through the air even in a dark space.
But when you add fog and haze to the atmosphere, without it overbearing the audience of course, it really helps your lasers stand out as well as adding some texture to the lasers and atmosphere.
Angles and Colors
When working with a beam type of laser show, you want to set the angles to be the opposite to the audience’s eye. If you’ve seen beam lasers used in previous shows, not where those beams are being pointed. When they are pointed at the opposite of the audience the beams appear to be brighter.
When you’re setting the colors of your lasers and looking for bright colors just note that green appears to be the brightest when using lasers. If you have seen some of the older laser shows, notice what the colors of those laser are. Green just appears the brightest to the human eye.
My last suggestion on making the most out of your lasers is considering the zoom. Modern lasers are capable of zoom and sending images or patterns out at an impressive distance.
However, if you do try to send an image or pattern out to far, the laser begins to flicker. The reason being is that lasers are visually just one point of light that make that image you desire.
The problem will come if you’re trying to cover to wide of an area for the speed that its moving it will start to look flickery. So be sure to test beforehand on the width of the image or pattern as well as the distance.
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