2004 - Pew Pew! Let's Talk about Lasers!

Season #2

Lasers are seen on most shows, let's give you better insight about using them safely, keeping the audience safe - What you need to operate lasers and where to find some training resources.




00:58 Introduction

03:55 What are lasers and how are they different from moving lights?

06:35 Laser Projection

07:34 Are there still mercury lasers out there?

08:43 Do you need a special permission to operate lasers?

13:00 How long is your variance valid; and when do you need to get one?

14:10 Do you need haze to use lasers?

14:44 Stone Mountain in Georgia

16:30 Can lasers blind me? Safety Zones with Lasers

21:19 How much do Lasers cost?

23:42 How do I control lasers?

28:24 Can lasers burn through things? 

30:28 What types of media do you play on Lasers? Is there a special file type?

32:13 Can you buy sequences/shows for lasers like you can get for Christmas lights?

33:04 What is the general lifespan of lasers?

35:11 We do have resources on lasers. You can have look on our YouTube Channel.

37:20 Sharing a story about why we help you to get the perfect fit for you.

39:25 Closing


Learn Stage Lighting YouTube Laser Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEyo6_xbT5EBs-GSo351MlWhHy-wP9yK4

Pangolin Laser Software: https://pangolin.com/blogs/education

X-Laser https://x-laser.com


Visit our sites/channels here:

Learn Stage Lighting Gear https://www.learnstagelightinggear.com

Learn Stage Lighting: https://learnstagelighting.com/about/ 

Learn Stage Lighting Labs: https://www.learnstagelightinglabs.com 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LearnStageLighting/featured


Requests, Ideas or Topics for the Podcast can be sent to [email protected]