2006 - MIDI vs OSC and what the future holds.

Season #2

What is OSC and MIDI? How can we use them to make our life and workspace a little easier in the lighting world?




00:58 Introduction

01:16 Today’s Topic

03:37 NAMM and USITT

04:42 What is MIDI and how is it used?

08:39 How Crystal has used MIDI before

09:20 There’s more than one form of MIDI.

12:14 Is MIDI MSC and MIDI Timecode the same thing?

14:22 Modern MIDI don’t use MIDI cables anymore

15:14 Why is MDI not the best option for lighting?

18:00 What is OSC and what it is used for in lighting.

23:49 How long will we still use MIDI and OSC?

25:58 What else is there about OSC and MIDI. (General comments)

27:11 OSC or MIDI, which one should you use and why?

28:23 Closing



USITT Show: https://www.usitt.org/stage-expo

NAMM Show: https://www.namm.org



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Learn Stage Lighting Gear https://www.learnstagelightinggear.com

Learn Stage Lighting: https://learnstagelighting.com/about/ 

Learn Stage Lighting Labs: https://www.learnstagelightinglabs.com 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LearnStageLighting/featured


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